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Private Lesson Terms & Conditions

By joining the Mermi Music Academy you are agreeing to the terms and conditions listed below.


1- COMMUNICATIONAll correspondence from students to Mermi Music Academy should be directed to As there is no physical office on-site, email stands as the most efficient and preferred means of communication with the administrator. For emergencies only, please call (604)240-4263.


2. PAYMENT - Music instruction fees are invoiced per month and payable in advance, in full, by the due date stated on your invoice. For any questions regarding payment, please phone, email us, or visit us during our business hours. Payments are accepted via EFT or Credit Card. ( No Cash ) 

Mermi Music Academy has an annual raise which takes into effect on July 1st.


3. BOOKING LESSONS POLICY - for students opting to book only two sessions a month, the lesson rate will be $10 more than the standard weekly lesson rate. 


4. ABSENTEES & CANCELLATIONS – In the event of a cancellation outside of 24 hours prior to the lesson time, a make-up credit will be issued for a make-up lesson. Please note that make-up lessons are subject to availability and are not guaranteed. You may only ever hold a maximum of 1 make-up credit during a month and all held make-up credits expire at the end of every month.


Travels: For any Traveling plan you must inform us at the beginning of the month before scheduling the lessons for that month. For cancelations of more than 2 sessions, we do not guarantee to be able to reserve the same schedule.


*Lesson Booking Policy: If circumstances prevent you from committing to regular weekly lessons for a particular month, you have the option to book that month with a different Lesson Pack at a varied fee. Additional fees of $10 for two sessions will be added to the regular lesson fee.*


Late Notice Cancellation: Late Notice cancellations on the day of the lesson will be considered a paid lesson for the student. Teachers plan their time and income based on scheduled lessons and late cancellation is a big challenge because there is not enough time to fill the empty spot.


Cancelation due to Sickness: If a student is sick on the day of their lesson, please notify your instructor before noon, by email and by phone/text message. If an online lesson is possible, that will be arranged by your instructor.


Teacher Cancellation: If a teacher has to cancel your lesson you will receive notice from us immediately as soon as we are advised by the teacher. We will speak with you directly to arrange a relief teacher lesson, a make-up lesson, or a refund. Make-up credits for lessons resulting from a teacher cancellation expire after one year.


4. SCHOOL CLOSURE: We are not closed on any holidays and Long weekends except Christmas December 23rd to Jan 2nd. If you have plans for the holidays mentioned above we reschedule the lesson for sure.


5. CONFIDENTIALITY  It is strictly against Mermi Music Academy's policy for students to share their contact information with teachers. Therefore, students are required to refrain from doing so.


6. RELIEF – We reserve the right to provide a relief teacher if your usual teacher is unavailable. Please be aware that teachers move on and a permanent teacher change is also a possibility. We will let you know immediately if there are any changes.


7. ENROLMENT – To promote consistency and musical progress, we will automatically assume that you are continuing with your lessons indefinitely. We will send you an invoice for the next month approximately one week before the beginning of the term. If you do not intend to continue your lessons, please advise us as soon as possible, so we can free up this time for many students on our waiting list.


8. REPORTS AND CERTIFICATES – Progress reports are given out at the end of each three months in paper form This is a great way for students and parents to gauge progress and see where they can improve. Parents also have the opportunity to spend 5 minutes discussing their child’s progress with the teacher during the last lesson of each month. Our teachers also nominate their best students for 3 important awards at the end of each year.


9. DISCOUNTS – Students who are learning two or more instruments and families with two or more children attending lessons, are entitled to a 10% discount on the second, third, etc. student fees. What this means is the first student would pay normal fees and then the subsequent student would be entitled to the 10% discount.


10. REFUNDS – NO refunds are given on school payments, however alternate lesson options can be considered. Credits, refunds, and payment plans can only be authorized by the Academy Administrators.


11. MARKETING POLICY—We love showcasing our students' musical achievements through photos and videos for promotional purposes. Your enrollment constitutes consent for using these visuals on our website, social media, and promotional materials. However, your privacy is our priority. If you prefer not to be featured, simply notify us via email at, and we will ensure your wishes are respected. Your trust means everything to us, and we're grateful to have you as part of the Mermi Music family.


12. REFERRAL POLICY – The new Resonate Referral Program rewards the family that does the referral. 

The student or family who makes the referral will receive a 10% discount on next month’s tuition.


13. LIABILITY - Mermi Music Academy, its teachers, and staff members will not be held responsible for any loss, damage, or injury to any person or property arising directly or indirectly from attendance at Mermi Music Academy. The student and parent/guardian agree to indemnify Mermi Music Academy, its teachers, and staff members for any such loss, damage, or injury.


*Terms and Conditions may reflect changes as management decision*

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